Publishing your web site using FrontPage

Publishing Your Web Site Using FrontPage

Front Page Web HostingFrontPage/ExpressionWeb publishing takes away many of the hassles and makes the process of remembering which files you changed a painless one. FrontPage/ExpressionWeb helps you easily create and update professional-quality web sites without programming. Both new users and web development professionals will enjoy the ease of publishing and maintaining high-quality web sites in very little time.

Publishing your web site with Microsoft FrontPage/ExpressionWeb is a relatively straightforward process. When the time comes to present your web site to the world, publishing is a very simple task with FrontPage/ExpressionWeb.

Publishing is the process of moving your web site from the computer you developed it on to a web hosting server accessible to the world. Don't worry because this process isn't as complicated as it sounds. The easiest way to publish your web site is through the Publish feature in FrontPage/ExpressionWeb to a web hosting server with FrontPage Server Extensions installed on it. (you need to activate these in the 'frontpage' icon of your webhosting control panel.) You can also publish via FTP using either FrontPage/ExpressionWeb Publish function or a third-party FTP program.