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How to setup Mozilla Thunderbird eMail client:
Thunderbird version: 24.1.0 (Should work for other versions)
Please make sure you have created the email account in your cPanel, if you haven't please follow
the directions here.
*I have never started Thunderbird before
1) Click "Skip this and use my existing email",
go to step 2.
*I just want to add another email to my Thunderbird
1) Click the 3 lines in the top right corner, then options->account settings. Then bottom left account actions->Add Mail Account
2) Enter your name as you want shown to people who receive your emails, your full email address eg
and enter your password. If you wish for Thunderbird to save
your password make sure the remember password box is checked. Click Continue
3) Thunderbird will guess settings to work with your our email servers, and by default uses SSL ports. Some anti virus programs require you to not to use SSL for receiving
emails so it may scan the email for virus'. If you wish to use SSL (secure Socket Layer) for sending and receiving emails click Done, otherwise Click Manual config.
Change the following:
Pick either POP3 or IMAP for incoming emails. Generally POP3 will download all of your emails to your machine, IMAP will download a copy, leaving a copy on the server still.
Server hostname to (for both incoming pop and imap, and outgoing):
Incomming port(Imap): 143
Incomming port(pop3): 110
Outgoing Port(SMTP): 26.
Make sure username is your full email address.
4) Click Done (you may need to click Re-test before you are able to click done)
If you receive a warning about a security certificate accept it. We use self signed certs for our servers mail, this is secure but will bring up the warning.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Tags: email, thunderbird, setup, mail, mozilla, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, email account, configure