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Form Mail information

Below you will find a typical mail request form. Simply copy the code in the text box and paste it into your page.
Remember to change:
name: recipient (to: your email address. This must be an address on the same server. It can be established as a forwarding email address)
name: subject (to: subject line on return email)
Field sequence can be altered by cutting & pasting html
Change text to your requirements, i.e. Field 1 (to: Name, etc). form mail

<!-- please read the comments as they will help you setup this to work, for more information please visit  -->

<form ACTION="" METHOD="post">
<!-- you need to replace the above "" with your domain name -->
<div align="center">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="70%">
            <td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="FieldOne" size="20"></td>
            <td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="FieldTwo" size="20"></td>
            <td>Your Email:</td>
            <td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Email" size="20"></td>
            <td>Select Option:</td>
            <select NAME="SelectOption">
                <option SELECTED>Please Choose</option>
                <option VALUE></option>
                <option VALUE="item1">item1</option>
                <option VALUE="item2">item2</option>
                <option VALUE="item3">item3</option>
                <option VALUE="item4">item4</option>
                <option VALUE="item5">item5</option>
                <option VALUE="item6">item6</option>
            <td>Field 4:</td>
            <td><textarea ROWS="6" NAME="FieldFour" cols="20"></textarea></td>
            <td>Select Y/N:</td>
            <td>Yes: <input TYPE="radio" CHECKED NAME="SelectY/N" VALUE="Yes">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;No:<input TYPE="radio" NAME="SelectY/N" VALUE="No"></td>
            <td><textarea ROWS="6" NAME="FieldFive" cols="20"></textarea></td>
            <td>Field 6:</td>
            <td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="FieldSix" size="20"></td>
            <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="subject" VALUE="Your Subject">
            <!-- change Your Subject with the subject you wish your email to have-->
            <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="recipient" VALUE=" ">
            <!-- change to the email address to send the mail to -->
            <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="redirect" VALUE="">
            <!-- this is the page to be seen after they have submitted the form -->
            <input TYPE="hidden" NAME="env_report" VALUE="REMOTE_HOST,HTTP_USER_AGENT,REMOTE_ADDR">
            <!-- will show details about the person submitting the form including there IP-->

            <input type="hidden" NAME="email" VALUE="">
            <!-- this is the email address the email will come from,  you can set this as a input box as above so the user can put there own in -->
            <td><br><input TYPE="submit" ></td>

Tags: Form Mail, Contact Form, Send email, mail, email, form, address, email address, form mail information, form mail code, code