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Acceptable User Policy & Service Guidelines

Acceptable Users Policy & Service Guidelines

Web Host Servers Ltd provides dedicated web hosting to numerous clients and has a responsibility to protect each client and to provide the best services available. The following guidelines are designed to ensure that these obligations are met.

All services provided by Web Host Servers Ltd may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any United Kingdom or overseas law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, material we judge to be threatening or obscene or material protected by trade secret or other statute. The account storage space can only contain website related material. Clients agree to indemnify and hold harmless Web Host Servers Ltd from any claims resulting from the use of service that damages the subscriber or any other party.

All adult content and adult-related merchandising:
is prohibited on all Web Host Servers Ltd servers. This includes websites that may infer adult content or links to adult content elsewhere. Also prohibited are websites that promote any illegal activity or present content that may be damaging to Web Host Servers Ltd machines or any other server on the internet. Links to such materials are also prohibited.

Bandwidth (data transfer): Web Host Servers Ltd provides unlimited bandwidth plans for use with general browsing by website customers. If a website is using excessive bandwidth consumption which causes interference with other users Web Host Servers Ltd may throttle that website.

Commercial Advertising - E-mail and the sending of unsolicited e-mail,
from a Web Host Servers Ltd machine or using an e-mail address or domain that is maintained on a Web Host Servers Ltd machine as reference is STRICTLY prohibited.

IRC or IRC bots:
may not be operated on our web servers.

Refusal of Service:
We reserve the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our sole discretion. All Sub-Networks, distributive hosting sites and dedicated servers of Web Host Servers Ltd must adhere to the above policies. Failure to follow any term or condition will be grounds for immediate account de-activation.
Web Host Servers Ltd cannot be held responsible for loss of data for any reason.
Web Host Servers Ltd cannot be held responsible for any human error.

Ongoing Fees:
For your convenience, ongoing fees for Web Hosting Plans are automatically deducted from the same credit card used to begin the service (held on file for this purpose) approximately 1 week before the renewal date of the repeat Billing Period chosen in the order form. Likewise, if you registered your domain through, your domain name will be automatically renewed and charged to the same card. If you paid using Paypal or Bank Transfer an invoice will be sent approximately 1 week before the renewal date with payment options. If any changes are required, or you wish at any time to cancel, you simply need to contact the  Support Desk through our contact page, or by emailing with your full identifying details and let us know.

Refunds: Refunds of all hosting fees paid will be processed back to the credit card only if the account is canceled within the first 30 days of ordering. The domain registration fee or renewal fee of an existing registered domain name cannot be refunded once registered/renewed, the registrar will not permit a refund or cancellation.  The registration fees of SSL (Secure Certificates) cannot be refunded, canceled or amended once processed.

Domain Name Registrations:
From the 1st January 2014 ICANN requests verification of all newly registered domain names, (not applicable to .uk names.)
If we register your domain name for you, you will receive shortly after a verification email from the registrar, you need to use the link within the email to verify your registered details, if verification is not completed within 15 days of the domain name being registered, the registrar will put it into a suspended state and you will not be able to use it until the details have been verified.

Domain Name Transfers:
As we are a hosting company and not a registrar we only manage domain names that we host, to change the nameservers to another hosts  (so we no longer host it) will require you to transfer the domain name away, this is done by requesting the EPP key.

Network Uptime Guarantee: We guarantee that our network will be available at least 99.9% of any full month. If that goal is not met, we will provide a credit of one month free webhosting.

Scheduled Updates: Notification of scheduled updates will be posted on our Facebook page:

Backups: We keep weekly offshore backups in case of a serious server failure, we recommend generating a full backup (in the backups icon of the hosting control panel) before any changes are made to the sites files, if you wish to have a restore point directly before any changes are made.

The above AUP is subject to change at anytime by Web Host Servers Ltd

Tags: AUP, Terms and conditions, terms, conditions, UK, web hosting, web, hosting, refund, web hosting plans, registrar, backups